
SSUMer FLING, a memoir animation

** This was done in 2017, leaving it as a record of how I used to work

** 2017년에 제작했던 졸업작품으로 예전에 어떻게 작업을 했었는지 기록용으로 남겨두는 페이지입니다

Thesis Proposal:

The thesis will evolve around a memoir animation with the thematic of ‘summer fling.’ Previously, research was done about graphic memoirs, however I wish to produce a motion memoir, a set of moving images to narrate a recent situation before it becomes more altered and memory.

‘Summer fling’ is a term for short relationship, where both individuals know that it will end. It is a relationship free of commitments and pressures of what we would usually consider a real relationship. Summer fling reminds of youth, and freedom, an escape from a repetitive, boring everyday life.

Aside from the animation, it will also include two to three separate concept illustrations/paintings. There is an open possibility on the production of few merchandising goods such as stickers. On the next page is the outline of the weekly goals.

Week 1 – Complete thesis proposal (ㅇ)

Week 2 – Plan the narrative and produce storyboard (ㅇ)

Week 3 – Start working on illustration, choose color palette (ㅇ)

Week 4 – First illustration due, begin working on animation (ㅇ)

Week 5 – Work on animation (ㅇ)

Week 6 – Work on animation (ㅇ)

Week 7 – Minimum 30 seconds of animation complete (ㅇ)

Week 8 – Work on animation, second illustration due (ㅇ)

Week 9 – Work on animation (ㅇ)

Week 10 – Work on animation, begin working on sticker (ㅇ)

Week 11 – Work on animation (ㅇ)

Week 12 – Work on animation (ㅇ)

Thanksgiving Week – Work on animation, sticker due (send in for printing) (ㅇ)

Week 13 – Finish up everything (ㅇ)

Week 14 – Informal class presentation, work on feedback (ㅇ)

Week 15 - DUE (ㅇ)


Narrative behind thesis:

The entire narrative takes place in a small neighborhood. Although it is located in a harbor city, the two do not get out of their comfort zone because it is more comforting and because both of them are strangers in the city.

SI is a university student visiting her hometown for vacation. So has recently moved back to his hometown because of personal issues. The two meet through SNS, and initially meet because they have no one they know in the area other than their own families.

The encounters repeat, and the feelings grow independently from the fact that their time together is running out and that this relationship can only last as long as summer lasts.

Initial idea sketches, and illustration of some scenes 


Scene sketch

Color Palette and stylistic exploration

Process of first painting

The following are updates/progress on the animation

Progress as of October 3rd 2017

Iteration for one of the scenes; it was concluded that it was not suitable for the aesthetic I am looking for in the animation, and thus it was discarded.

Progress as of October 10th 2017 (Mid-term)

3ㅇ from Su Ji Lee on Vimeo.

After working further on the painting, I found it really hard to work with a medium I have not used prior to this work, acrylics, and felt that working digitally would result in much better work. I want to use this as a basis for the idea, but am planning on creating a series of 3-4 illustrations for postcard illustration, as well as re-using them for the stickers.

I've been re-thinking on the title, and noticed that I could put more into the title. Currently, the title 'SUMMER FLING' seems to be pretty direct, setting the story and showing the thematic of it. However, in Korea the pre-dating stage is named 'SSUM (썸),' and I feel our relationship was a mix of both and thus wanted to play around with it. The spelling could also come in together to still pronounce similar to 'SUMMER FLING'.











The second one, 'SSUMer FLING' looks nicer and seems to resemble the word summer sufficiently, and thus I will be changing the project title to it.

Postcard Design

10/31 - send postcard files to print

11/02 - reply for corrections on file (sizing, border)

11/03 - fix files and re-send

Final version DEC 2017